Designing Futures

Landscape & Biodiversity Improvements as Integrated Drivers of Design

Written by Micène Fontaine | September 22, 2023

Our planet faces a biodiversity crisis. As architects and interior designers, you have the unique power to create spaces that inspire and nurture our planet.

It's easy to forget nature's incredible role in our lives. Yet, the importance of integrating landscape and biodiversity improvements into architectural and interior design cannot be overstated. This union is not just about aesthetics. It's a powerful strategy that wields environmental, economic, and even psychological benefits.

Over the past 50 years, species diversity has declined at an alarming rate of 69%. It's a wake-up call for all of us. The exciting part is that we can be part of the solution!

The Living Proof: A Story - High Line in New York City

Once a decrepit railway line, the High Line is now a vibrant oasis of greenery amidst the urban jungle. It's a testament to the transformative impact of landscaping. But it's not just about beauty; it's about biodiversity. The High Line supports countless species of plants, insects, and birds, fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem.

According to studies, buildings with green roofs and ample landscaping can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%. Biodiversity-rich environments also improve air quality, reducing indoor pollutants. Plus, these green spaces can enhance the mental well-being of occupants, increasing productivity and overall satisfaction.

What can we do?

  1. The Biodiversity Crisis: Understand the current state of biodiversity and why it matters for design.
  2. Regenerative Design: Explore practical strategies for architects and designers to incorporate regenerative principles into their projects.
  3. Creating Impact: Learn from real-world case studies showcasing the transformative power of nature-inspired design. For inspiration, check out the sustainable practices of the NYC High Line and the Phipps Center for Sustainable Landscapes.
  4. Getting Started: Gain actionable insights to kickstart your journey towards sustainable, biodiverse design with our Change by Design session "Landscape & Biodiversity Improvements as Integrated Drivers of Design."
Phipps Center for Sustainable Landscapes

Integrating landscape and biodiversity improvements into architectural and interior design is not just a trend; it's a necessity. It's about creating spaces that harmonize with the environment, improving the quality of life for occupants, and reducing our carbon footprint. As architects and interior designers, we have the power to build a greener, more sustainable future, one project at a time.

Here's to nature and biodiversity - by design.