Designing Futures

Food for thought on architecture & the story of self, us, and others.

Written by Micène Fontaine | January 28, 2022

At DAS, we're looking forward to the AIA's Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA) online screening of the film "Child of Apartheid" featuring Wandile Mthiyane, who is one of 25 presenters in our Change by Design series ("Listen to Build" / Recorded live May 2021). ENYA hosts the virtual screening on  Monday, January 31.  

Why do we care?  Here is the short version :-)  Because this is about Purpose. Because it gets to the very essence of the power of design and architecture. It's about the stories that shape the built environment: The "story of self, us, and others."

This is one story; what's yours? Share it  in the comments below or suggest a Change by Design session (all speakers are compensated for their participation and receive a royalty on subsequent on-demand tuition). 

Interested? Get your ticket here. And what follows only matters if you buy a ticket to attend the screening :-) It has nothing to do with AIA NY or ENYA :-) It's a way for us to amplify the circularity - the flywheel effect - of whatever you pay to attend the screening. If you sign up for one of our CEU courses by 2/28/2022, you can use code CIRCULAR5 or CIRCULAR10 and save $5 or $10 (cost of the ticket to attend the online screening). Maybe enroll in Wandile's "Listen to Build" session, any of the other Change by Design sessions we've hosted so far, or any of our other AIA- and IDCEC-approved courses. All of our courses aim at helping design professionals, like you, Design - on Purpose. 

Not enough skin in the game? If you buy a ticket to the screening and have no interest in any of our courses, forward your email receipt to, and we will happily make a donation towards building the next Ubuntu home in South Africa - an initiative of Wandile's firm - the Ubuntu Design Group. 

Here is the context - aka "the long version" :-)  

Purpose has been on my mind. Maybe it's all the flirting with depression - or my French side - that has me endlessly asking myself: What's the point? Maybe it's because of the news? Maybe it's because the times we live in are testing most of us like nothing else before in our lives. 

Purpose has been on my mind. Yesterday, we hosted the 25th session in our Change by Design series, which in May 2021 featured "Listen to Build" with Wandile Mthiyane discussing the approach to design embedded in the work of his firm Ubuntu Design Group. 

Wandile, at the time, had mentioned a movie, so I was happy to be reminded yesterday that the  AIA NY Emerging New York Architects Committee (ENYA) is hosting an online/Zoom screening of said movie next Monday - January 31 :-) I got my ticket and turned to the keyboard to share a link, and this short description: A "short, 25-minute film [that] follows Wandile Mthiyane, a young South African architecture student with big dreams. Determined to help undo the damage caused by Apartheid, Mthiyane embarks on a mission to change the future of South Africa one home at a time."

Long story short: I hope you'll consider getting your ticket to attend the screening of "Child of Apartheid." In most cases, there is a small registration fee to participate in the screening - $ 5 or $10 (paid to AIA NY). If you pay to attend, we are happy to deduct the cost of your ticket to the screening from the next course you take from us. Just use code CIRCULAR5 or CIRCULAR10 when you pay for your next course with us. Maybe Wandile's "Listen to Build" session, any of the other Change by Design sessions we've hosted so far, or any of our other AIA- and IDCEC-approved courses. All of our courses aim at helping design professionals, like you, Design - on Purpose. 

Why CIRCULAR5 and CIRCULAR10? Circular because amplifying the voices and the work of architects and designers who leverage the work they do to solve some of today's most pressing issues is a thread running through our Change by Design series. And circularity - and the circular economy - are big topics. There is a flywheel component to a circular economy that allows for people, profits, and the planet. Buying a ticket and attending the screening achieves just that. Taking us up on our offers further amplifies that effect. If you decide to take us up on it, use code CIRCULAR5 or CIRCULAR10 on the course of your choice on our website by 02/28/2022.

I understand that some topics are uncomfortable or difficult. Apartheid is - for some of us - one of these topics (and so is the lack of diversity in the architecture industry). My hope here is to spread a bit of inspiration. And, if this sparks thoughtful conversation with your team and at home, then even better. I firmly believe that this is where the magic happens. As human beings, we tend to resist change - I know I do, ask my husband :-) Yet, these topics and these conversations are where change happens. Change of hearts then change of minds, and - in the process - the stories also change. The stories we use to make meaning of the world and of the times we live in. Deeply embedded in our resistance to change is what Wandile happened to mention in his recent post about the upcoming screening: The "story of self, us, and others." 

Here is to you and to welcoming more of the world you design for and with. 

What's your design story? Please share it in the comments below.