Designing Futures

Create space to be inclusive now, so you don't miss out on growth.

Written by Micène Fontaine | September 8, 2022

Decanthropy. I like the name, but that's not why I was on a second call with Ian Rolston, NCIDQ, IDC, ARIDO, LEED GA. Ian is Founder and Lead Decanthropist at Decanthropy. We discussed logistical details for his Change by Design presentation but mostly we talked about the change we see unfolding in the architecture & design industry. We talked about the great work we see happening and the less inspiring as well.   

As the conversation unfolded, a pattern emerged as to what was getting in the way of positive change. The familiar pattern goes something like this: Stakeholders on a project get very excited about the potential of a particular solution. And, just as quickly, find a seemingly compelling reason (often something to do with clients) why it could not be implemented. At least not now… 

This is a prevalent and straightforward pattern. And we, humans, are very good at this. We even do it with our own ideas. We quickly find a reason why an idea won't work. It takes no effort. I should know :-)

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It's not an easy pattern to break. And, the annoying part, is that we all know the steps (that and being reminded of them). Step 1: Pause. Step 2: Give the idea a fair shake. 

While it's convenient (we get to keep doing more of the same, the same way), it is often shortsighted. We ignore the bigger picture and miss out on growth (the way Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and philosopher, Victor Frankl, talks about "growth. ") Our growth, that of the client, and other stakeholders. Now and in decades to come; on this project and across others. Inclusive design is often overlooked, and I have yet to hear a valid argument for why that is. 

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." 

Victor Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor.

Victor Frankl was right, and, in my experience, it is not an easy thing to do. Yet, spotting or creating that “space” is critical. So, if you think the idea of Inclusive Design deserves the space to be examined, then consider checking out Ian's course on "The Necessary Rise of Inclusive Design." Who knows, inclusion might be your next project's claim to social media fame, as was the case for a railing at Castel Sant'Elmo near Naples, Italy.

In the meantime, here is to forming new thought patterns - by design.